Monday, December 13, 2010


Looks like zombies are the new vampires. Its time for me check out, cuz brother, there aint NOTHING worse. I have had a re-occuring nightmare  since i was a little kid. Im laying in bed at my Gram's house, looking at the drape covered window. There is a small hole in the drapes, just about eye level. Just as im dozing off, a shadow falls behing the drape, and i look at the hole, and i see an eye peeking at me. ZOMBIE EYE!!! Now, in my dream , I never actually see the zombie, but, i know a friggin zombie eye when I see it, i dont need to hang out for face time with the bitch. A childs dream? Yea, bad enough. But now the fuckers can run! And apparantly pick locks, climb fences, use tools... Whats next?? Driving cars so they can mow us down before they gobble our grey matter???? The more writers try and evolve them, the worse they get. I just finished a book, Handling The Dead by John Ajvide Lindqvist, the author of Let The Right One In, great book, right? Well, in Handling, hes got the bastards, now refered to as "the reliving" as bodies that just get up, and  mindlessly going back to doing the same boring shit they were used to doing in life, sitting at theyre desks, shuffling paperwork ,etc. No chasing, no growling, no crunching of skull to get to the sweet gooey center. I kinda felt sorry for them, i mean , bad enough you cant even stay dead, but now you gotta go back to your job collecting carts at the Wal-Mart for eternity?? No fucking way.


FanStacia said...

That's just a complete and total rip off. At least with vampires you get a good neck biting and if you're lucky, eternal youth, beauty and friggin' awesome rock crunching strength. I'd suck on a tampon for eternity if I get to stay pretty. Just sayin...

Big Mama said...

i prefer bathing in the blood of newborns. but hey, in a pinch....

FanStacia said...

With my way you can just stock pile your own. A supply of hefty freezer bags and you're good to go.